Friday Fictioneers – 20.3.13


Ever since Wilbur had left to find his own way in life, Ed had strived to keep the land safe and cared for. Organic vs Chemical, Free range vs Battery, it was all so different now from those carefree days so many years ago and felt strange.

Retirement suited him though and, in fact, it wasn’t until he got a telegram from his old friend Boxer that he realised just how much the world had actually changed in recent years and how the balance of power had altered in England between the two legs and the four legs…

What a wonderful picture, and what a wonderful chance just to play and be whimsical with an idea. Gotta love this group! 🙂

21 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers – 20.3.13

  1. ” How the balance of power had altered in England between the two legs and the four legs…” How true, but not just in England. 🙂

    (You have a rebel capital letter here: “and, In fact”.)


  2. Makes me wonder just what has happened when I read :”how the balance of power had altered in England between the two legs and the four legs…” Great use of the hundred words!

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